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Our corporate clients come to us with variety of needs. We strive to follow budgets and produce show stoping events.

American Heart Ball
Mad Men themed event with Diana Ross headlining.  Our chief sponsor was able to put their name in water...that's right in water on a giant water wall where the drops fell in the pattern of their logo.  Electric strings made the call for dinner and a conveyor belt displayed the auction items for the night.   The after party went old school Playboy lounge style complete with Hugh Hefner robes for the guests. 
American Fine Wine Competition
Emeril did a live show on an incredible custom built wine stage....and then the guests were served his dishes.  Need I say more?
Wineries from all over the US competing for the grand title and amazing food.  Some other features included intergrating Bidpal into the auction process and winery booths that acted as individual tasting stations.


Boys and Girls Club Yacht Rendezvous
This event every year contains some similar elements:
Spectacular yachts
Two evening gala style programs
Large scale Auction
Entertainment Headliners
Offsite venue management


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